Ncis fanfiction tony chest pain

Ncis fanfiction tony chest pain. He has gone to get the doctor. DiNozzo felt his shirt slip to the floor, then felt Ziva's hands trail down his chest to begin working on his belt buckle. "If the deer okay?" Tony asked. Breath Tony!" Tony cuddled into his dad's chest and cried. Tony's arms are folded stubbornly across his chest, lips drawn into a fine line, embarrassed gaze directed up at the ceiling. Gibbs couldn’t believe he had missed it. Tony then passed out. Eventually, Tony had forgiven him. Tony licked his aching lips wanting to capture Gibbs' lips again and continue the exploration. Ari, surprised at Tony's action, groaned in pain and frustration. Tony flinched back into his seat. Tony screamed from the impact. ' He said now aiming at Tony's knee with the clear intension of causing more pain to the injured man. He held her hand as she fell into it. Ducky stood behind him, one hand resting on Tony's back. Chapter 1. Just that quickly. Sure Tony was a good actor and yes he was great at fooling people but not Gibbs, or so Gibbs had thought. Tapping his agent's cheek, Gibbs called his name quietly but couldn't rouse him. Until finally, her eyes slipped and met his hard stare. Tony shuffled into his favorite coffee house, and stood at the Like it when you're all cuddly, Gibbs. "You are Special Agent Anthony , Tony for short. "Good luck with that. Gibbs, Father/son Last chapters are up! Jan 3, 2011 · He crossed his arms in front of his chest and stood there, perfectly still, motionless. His mouth coming crushing Tim's ear as it plasters a slobbery kiss there loudly. 4. One of the medics felt McGee's neck. He and Tony had grown closer, their bond even stronger than it had been before. He felt fine, except for the pain in his left side and shoulder. Any of tony good with kids(not his own) no tiva even slightly, have no interest with anything focused on ziva unless it's bashing her. "Stay with me Tim!" Tony tried to keep his attention on Gorosvitch and McGee but Gorosvitch knew the gun wasn't loaded. Is it connected with the case they're working, or was the hit personal? Tony whump, and angst for Gibbs and the rest of the team. "He'll listen, I promise. " Dec 28, 2011 · "Here he is," the young brunette nurse smiled setting a squirmy, crying baby on Tony's chest. His boy was in pain and he had caused it. And as soon as the sharp pain sliced into his back, he immediately shot his hands out, gripping onto Gibbs' shirt, gasping at the pain- which was only increased by his apprehension. Tony didn't even realize that he cut himself until he looked down at his hand. " Standing, he let Brad take Tony, sighing once they were Nov 26, 2010 · Tony finally broke the kiss, his eyes still closed as he let his forehead rest against Gibbs, the raw emotions still washing over him. I know you're in pain, this will help. "Whats eaten your pants McAngryPants?" Tony joked. His chest was moving up and down in deep, ragged breaths and blood was slipping out the side of his mouth. Tony said grabbing his handcuffs and his SIG. "Tony, I…. Her eyes met his for a second before again falling to that large bruise on his chest, her fingers lightly brushing that oval shape. He felt well rested which was nice, and rather unusual. "Agent David. Disappointed. Tony DiNozzo remembered the day his baby brother was born while he hid in some random supply closet. Now, let's get some sleep, both of us. A moment later, the sips of water were purged as well. The pain as the grits had dug into his skin. and L. "I know I'm a pain, sometimes. Skittering along the jetty he didn't hear the concerned shouts from behind him as he grabbed his pristine jacket and managing to snatch up one of his shoes before May 28, 2012 · Tony panicked and followed Ziva's movements he tried to hold their body weight up but gravity was a powerful enemy and they were both slammed to the ground. They both fell to the ground. Gibbs rested his palms lightly on the sides of Tony's stomach and rubbed light circles across his flesh. He launched himself at Tony and Tony and McGee were both sent sprawling. He stared at McGee in curiosity. They separated just long enough for Tony to pull his partner's shirt over her head. A/N: Thanks for all your reviews and special thanks to those who have commented anonymously because I couldn't thank them individually. 00:00:08 - The agents walk cautiously down a Chapter 1: Chapter 1. Pressed against Tony's chest, he listened as Tony's voice rumbled muffled through his ear. A hand doubled down on Tim's crotch and squeezed again, this time so painfully, the younger man saw white, nearly passing out as he screamed out in pain as Tony's words kept coming, his actions out of control. " Gibbs smiled and kissed Tony's head. … Tony. All good things in this story are due to her gentle guidance and edits. He looks like you. Faber continued to try to keep Tony talking, but it was harder and harder to get even the most minimal responses out of him. 00:00:09 - The male agent kicks in the door on the front of the building, his female companion close behind. " Rivkin said smugly. " He noted. "It doesn't look too bad. "Ziva's fine," Tony answered bluntly, feeling the anxiety come bubbling up in his chest. He was grateful as Gibbs continued to stroke his hair back, "Almost over son. Aug 31, 2011 · Ducky paused. Nov 11, 2011 · Tony lunged at Ari as soon as Ari stood back up. "Take the g-gun I'm g-going to f-fall. As the elevator doors opened to the squad room, Tony didn't move. Gibbs turned and grabbed Tony's shirt, pulling him from the elevator, muttering, "Come on, DiNozzo. He laid there with his eyes closed enjoying the peace of the moment. And then there was his headache courtesy of his drinking too many beers and bourbons the night before. Tony felt himself blanch. " Gibbs turned to Tony, bent down, and whispered, "DiNozzo, Brad is going to fix your ribs for you. "Did they give you antibiotics and pain killers?" "Yeah. With the broken sentence, Tony wrenched his foot away, dropping the blanket into a heap on the gravel of the car park as he broke into a sprint, ignoring the pain from his foot. 'Looks like we're running out of time, what a shame. It's ok. "Rule number four," Tony says, breaking the silence. It looked like Tony wasn't believing a word of it. " Ziva opened her mouth to speak, and then she closed it. You also work for NCIS. Across the room, McGee mixed some Alka-Seltzer in a bottle of water and handed it to Tony. Kneeling next to his agent he gently helped Tony bring the swollen hand forward to rest it against Tony's chest. Sighing deeply he took a step out of the elevator and strolled to his desk. When Tony's breathing became hitched Gibbs sat against the head board of the bed and lay Tony's sweaty head on his chest. "Thanks Boss," he murmured. "He's developed a pneumothorax. " Tony just looked at Ducky, confused. As he moaned in pain and tried to see through his hazy vision, he heard McGee yell something before gunshots sounded. "Wowhe's gorgeous. Tony sits…"Tony, listen to me, let Gibbs do this"…she placing her arms around his neck, hugging him softly. Pouring them on the floor in a tiny linen closet, until there was a thick layer. " "No," Tony smiled shaking his head. I'll be here when you come back up, alright?" He saw Tony nod. "He looks like his father. "Are you sure?" Tony asked finally, his voice wavering as he fought back tears. J, look at him. His father holding a box of grits. Tony kept frozen in his place as Gibbs waited another minute before he hung up. Relief rushed through him, but agony curled him off the floor. That's it, buddy. "Stop it! He said, "DiNozzo's don't cry!" Tony got in his car and drove off. Unfortunately he had already lost Tony's trail. Sure it burned every once in a while, but Tony could handle it. 'Must of learned that one in Mossad. He snuck a look over his computer, to see if Ziva was occupied, then raised a hand to rub his chest. Gibbs was going to be pissed at him, they were late to a crime scene. He attempted to reach up to loosen the Oxygen from his face to tell the man to contact his boss but was quickly met with resistance, his hands were already restrained by his side, he Tony's reason for being in Israel was not obvious, after all. Kale and Riviera watched helplessly as the stricken agent was quickly bundled out of the car and into the recesses of the hospital's emergency department. " "Wh-what's goin' on?" Tony Long-time reader of NCIS fanfic, with a definite tip in the direction of Tony as a competent and all-around good guy. Mar 13, 2012 · Tony stifled a cough, grimacing at the dull ache in his midsection. Jun 19, 2011 · His eyes scan the horizon from the second Kate's body hits the roof. Tell him we found a mouse hiding in the bathroom. Nov 18, 2013 · When Tony gets shot Gibbs has to push back his anger and figure out who's responsible. May 19, 2007 · Ziva moves behind Tony…"Sit, Tony"…as she realizes what Tony has been hiding from not only her, but everyone. "Ducky!" Tony cries out, bringing his body into a fetal position as Ducky attempts to keep his focus on securing the adapted line. Tony reeled back onto the floor, dropping his gun and bringing a hand to his throbbing, bloody nose. "Don't tell me you're sorry. He's your boss. Tony looked up at the clock that hung on the wall. He was looking forward to this new adventure. Tony tried to talk, but didn't manage anything except another wheeze. " The two men got up and stumbled to Tony's bedroom, arms around each other. At least to Eli, who had no knowledge of his relationship with Ziva, as far as he knew. Tony hunched over breathing in shallow gasps. "You gotta get out of the way. This isn't a death fic and I don't do slash or pairings. I'm a new writer to NCIS fanfic but not to FF, so I hope you like! Tony had his eyes closed and looked as though the wall was the only thing keeping him upright. It's over now. Her face was pale, and her breathing was erratic. Brad was kneeling at Tony's side within seconds, stethoscope in his ears. Tony was the only one of them who had been seriously injured. Tony came around to the warmth of sunlight coming through the window touching his face. Gibbs knows that now. "Tony. Ziva was outside waiting for him. Ncis tony. They were not Ziva's usual eyes. Mar 9, 2012 · Tony's eyes fluttered open to see McGee sitting in a chair beside his bed, two crutches leaning against the wall. I've got you. J. . his gravely voice returned, another cough let loose, his chest in severe pain now, audible wheezes filled the room. Tony swayed unsteadily for a moment before righting himself and releasing his grip on Gibbs' arms. Looking for tony focused fanfiction NO Tiva. He vaguely remembered Gibbs waking him up Jan 10, 2016 · Tony made a sound like a snort, but then groaned in pain. Tony nodded his thanks the best he could with his neck strapped down, he hurt, damned pain. Tony simply wanted to go home. Tony in the military. The burning in his chest and throat made Tony feel sick to his stomach, and the tape on his face was beginning to itch and irritate his skin. He was rather comfortable and didn’t really want to get up. And now, finally, he was able to forgive himself. Some time later - much later - he lies with Tony's head resting on his chest, Tony's weight keeping him grounded. Dr. Apr 16, 2013 · Tony shook his head and the reality of the pain he as feeling brought him back to the present. Tony got inside him, and he's never going to let go. Sep 4, 2012 · Gibbs knew Tony was the worst off and headed for him nodding for Ziva to help McGee. She let go, exhaling deeply, and turned around. Tony gets hit with a wave of unrelenting pain as Ducky slides the needle into a vein, Ducky wishing that he had some pain medication to give his friend. He listened carefully to Tony's chest, his face showing his displeasure. The spankings hurt! Sep 28, 2013 · Back in the present Gibbs hears the distinctive hollow clang of metal hitting a hard surface and spins around to see Ducky picking up a silver tray and several instruments from the autopsy floor. "Come on, Tony," Gibbs said calmly in his ear, coming from out of no where. He and Tony would weather the nightmares together and work out the kinks. Tony brushed her hair back while she violently wretched into the can. 00:00:10 - A NCIS agent and his partner scout out a building that a known serial killer was suspected to be hiding in. Gibbs assumed as the adrenaline waned, Tony’s ability to function went with it. A terrible pain ripped through his chest and he cried out, eyes closing. ' Like it when you're all cuddly, Gibbs. Booboos are Tony slurred. The spankings hurt! Aug 25, 2012 · Ducky, still talked to him, at least for now. 1. Her face landed on his A dead naval officer leads to an unexpected reunion with a missing agent; but after a year of living on the streets, will things ever be the same for Tony DiNozzo? Tony D. In the morning Tony found himself in a considerable amount of pain. His gun rested in his right hand as he stared at McGee. He kicked Tony's SIG out of his hand and attacked him. Knowing it was now or never, Fallon repositioned his weapon to point directly at Tony's head and prepared to fire McGee wiped his face to conceal the tears. 2. "I'm actually here to see you. "I will check on our young friend. Once she began to sit up, Tony helped her take a few sips and rinse her mouth out. He was sure he had cracked ribs, if not broken ones. His chest tightened at the sight of Tony's blue lips and the painful memories it evoked of days spent battling the aftermath of the pneumonic plague. The claustrophobia; he couldn't even change positions because the space was so small. Dear Hells Bells, thanks for your comments and sorry I couldn't come back sooner than 2 weeks; of course I prefer a hug to a glare, but RL is more powerful than I am and its glare is kinda scary! Tony was on his back in the bathroom, his left shoulder bleeding and a knife jammed into his left side. Still Gibbs knew that he would have to tell the director and Vance would probably want to talk to Tony about it. "Weak pulse," she said. When they arrived Ducky instructed Tony to remove his jacket and shirt, while he got his equipment ready. When he had what he needed, he moved beside Tony and gently removed the bandage. Gibbs helped Tony get settled and then he himself laid down next to Tony in the familiar, sweet smelling, comfortable bed. He spied Tony's ID laying on a table in the room and offered it to Tony for his inspection. The thundering beat of Gibbs' heart crashed into Tony's chest and he could feel the ragged breath against his face. Tony sighed and fought back the tears threatening to fall. " Tony turned to her. Tony was in front of Ziva and before he knew what was happening he heard gunfire, feeling a sharp pain in his chest combined with the impact of the bullet Tony fell over and passed out. No, I don't need him anymore. " Gibbs practically dragged Tony all the way to his desk and sat him in his chair. Tony was late yet again, Gibbs was already mad, this would just add fuel to the fire. After many kicks in the behind by scousemuz1k to keep me motivated, I decided to stick my toe into the fanfic writer pool and see what happens. You're ok, kiddo. There's not a flash of movement, not a hint of sunlight hitting a scope, not even a sound beyond the distant traffic, the faint cry of seagulls, and Tony's harsh breathing behind him. " Tony is within him, as he joked about just the other day. " Eli's worry for his daughter quickly turned into annoyance with Tony. "Alright, don't move Tony", she said, and he nodded against Gibbs' chest. " Ducky explained. Tony felt a sharp pain on the back of his head as he hit the steel door and Ziva's warm body enveloped itself into his embrace. Tony finished his workout and quickly showered and dressed. He landed on top of Ari plunging the knife he had had hidden in his pants pocket into Ari's chest. Apparently Tony had been hiding a sprained wrist and a concussion from him for four days as well as a broken wrist (same one he sprained mind), concussion and a After a moment they moved as one, both rising to their feet. The X-rays Ducky had on display for Gibbs, were of Tony's neck from where he was nearly strangled by the Israeli killer, X-rays of his left radius – clearly showing a bad fracture, and X-rays of his chest and abdomen showing ribs that had also been fractured during the altercation. He pressed his hand against the right side of his chest. He couldn't hear the words, but sensed calmness and reassurance as Tony's arms tightened around him. Forcing Tony to his knees inside that little space. Making sure that every file he still had was up to date he did the rest of his filing, when the Director stepped up to his desk. ''I'm disappointed in you Tony''. Mallard, NCIS medical examiner, was there when the men followed slowly along. Ten seconds was all it took for two people's worlds to change forever. " Tony quickly took the gun and kept it pointed at Gorosvitch, keeping McGee upright with his other arm. "Match my breathing son. "Okay whats going on?" McGee snapped. Tony gave a quite sigh and then followed Ducky to autopsy. His chest hurt from where Ziva had shoved her gun into him. " Suddenly, the door to the left of Tony opened and slammed into Tony's face. Tony shot in head( no death fic) 3. Tony yelled as he felt the pain in his arm. "Go and wait in the van, Anthony," he instructed quietly. " Tony Tony stiffened more as he looked at the answer machine as if it was really Gibbs staring him down. "He is. "Congratulations you two. Chapter 9. " Tony grinned and took his newborn son's hand tearing up. As he stared deeply into her eyes he could see the growing pain and hurt. He was home and he knew it. Tony and Bishop exchanged glances and smiled mischievously. May 25, 2011 · He sat at his desk for the last time, sorting through his stuff. His chest heaved with the struggle for breath. Ricking grabbed him from behind and a loud snap came from Tony's shoulder. Moses reached over and placed his hand on Tony's stomach and pressed, a groan escaped from his victim's mouth, it would only be a matter of time before the man was in agony, " You're name is Elijah. He cried out in pain and folded against Tony. They'd had a rough case, including a four block chase when the suspect they were after had bolted. Just some… Tony has a family Jul 23, 2014 · Chapter 9. But then, Tony's face crumpled and his expression went from one of confusion to one of horror, and, finally, to an expression of hurt and sadness. "Brad, Tony's in trouble! Hurry!" Emma shouted across the room. Tony could see a lime green cast plastered to his leg and he seemed to be nodding off. Before he could fire, voices became audible outside the lab doors. He pulled out his knife and carefully freed Tony's hands. Gibbs was worried for the man. " Tony allowed himself to be lifted up and slowly and reluctantly let go of McGee's hand. "The man who just left is Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs. Jan 22, 2012 · Tony felt Gibbs tugging at his jacket, but he refused to leave his partner's side. For a moment, it looked as though Tony was going to start laughing. Hours of pain. Tony fought back with all the strength he had. The hairline fracture in his arm that he had sustained in his fight with Michael Rivkin hurt. Part of it he threw away and the rest he put carefully into his box. Sep 5, 2013 · Gibbs reached up and rubbed his jaw, smiling as he remembered the surprise and pain as Tony's fist met his face that day in Los Angeles. THE NEXT DAY. " Tony replied, walking towards the elevator to go back to the bullpen. Tony leaned back and groaned contentedly, shifting until he had found his spot against Jethro's chest. McGee's head snapped up and he smiled when he saw Tony awake. " He moved awkwardly onto the bed and heaved himself up between Jethro's thighs with a huff. But that was his concern, if Ziva knew it, it would only prove her point. His hands are on Tony's back, stroking gently. Tony turned his head to look at the weather outside. Ziva was following Tony into the kitchen when she heard gunfire and saw Tony fall to the ground. Tony and gibbs father/son bond. "OW! Tony, stop!" Gibbs smiled. "I promise you Tony, everything will be alright. boqgyibf zwh ixacrfvm kvfbrs nspvza qjtda mfc xxxk ctbtsvh hijqfp